Adult Sunday School Classes

Genesis To Revelations studies each book of the Bible chapter by chapter (and sometimes verse by verse), from the beginning of the Old Testament to the end of the New Testament.  Led by a retired pastor, the class gleans applications for everyday living in its discussions.  In addition, this caring class encourages its members in their daily joys and concerns.  Meets in Room 201.

Open Door class is a Bible study and discussion group.  A curriculum is followed to give us a structure for exploring and discerning how the Bible applies to our journey through life.  We take our time reading, analyzing and discussing the study materials, various translations of the Bible, and sharing our views and experiences.  We often engage in detours along the way to read outside commentary and other educational resources to supplement our study.  The current lesson book is by Scott Jones called “The Wesleyan Way: A Faith That Matters” which gives an excellent overview of John Wesley’s theology and the Wesleyan Way practice of reading and applying scripture.  All are welcome and embraced in Christian love.  At the beginning of each class we share our joys and concerns and pray for God to be with us as we study God’s word. Come join us!  Meets in the Parlor. 

Left of Center is a discussion group that focuses on theological issues.  According to James Fowler, author of "Stages of Faith Development", there are six stages.  Many adults move to stage four, a stage of angst and struggle.  If they can't resolve their struggle, they drop out of church.  You are invited to bring your angst and struggle, your questions and doubts, your downright disbelief, to this class.  No question or comment is beyond serious and thoughtful consideration.  Meets in the conference room.

Faith Seekers consists of a group of mature, intellectual people.  Topics for discussion tend to include: who we currently are, where religion fits into our lives, and how does the church weave into our lives!  The group searches for answers from the Bible and dictionary.  The 2 unwritten requirements for joining the this group: you must enjoy laughing and you should be able to laugh at yourself.  This is a happy group of adults in search of a gracious, fun-loving God.  Meets in the Library.

Adult Small Groups

UMW Circles

Groups of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ: to develop a creative, supportive fellowship: and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. 

  • Church Ladies, Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., contact Abby Clark.

  • Agape, second Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m., contact Janet Hagstrum.

  • Eve Kaleidoscope, third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m., contact Betty Beach at 537-7520

  • Willing Workers, first Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m., contact Kay Lewis.

Game Night

We are currently a small group of about 6 who gather on the 3rd Friday of the month in the Fellowship Hall to play games and enjoy fellowship.  If anyone is interested, please contact Carol Ott at 785-539-1748. 

Men’s First Friday Fellowship, First Friday of the month at 8:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall

Men’s First Friday Fellowship is a group of retired men who gather on the first Friday of each month for coffee, donuts, and fellowship.  Join us for conversation and coffee!

Creating For Others (CFO)

A group of caring women are gathering on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, in the Activity Room, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. creating items for charities.  Some of the 108 items that have been made so far include: pillow cases, heart pillows, baby blankets, fidgit quilts, and the list goes on.  These items have donated to the Emergency Shelter, hospitals, nursing homes, foster care, and the Crisis Center.  We would love to have you join us in the fellowship and crafting.  For more information, contact Sheryl Fjell.